Gilchrist Connell’s insurance ranks continue to swell with senior hires

March 2025

Gilchrist Connell, a leading Australian insurance sector law firm, is pleased to announce the addition of two new special counsel in Perth, Erica Dobson and Ellie McGrory, as well as four senior associates nationally.

Erica Dobson joins our national health law practice, offering clients a wealth of medical negligence and health law experience, as well advising on a variety of other personal injury claims and life insurance litigation, for both plaintiffs and defendants. Erica’s arrival further complements our national health law practice, which recently announced the appointment of Principal Lawyer Karine Marianne, who advises on Medicare matters nationally, and leads our NSW health law team.

Ellie McGrory has extensive experience in personal injuries litigation and since her admission to practice in 2016, has focused on workers' compensation and liability claims, representing both plaintiffs and defendants. Ellie acts for both large commercial clients and major Australian and global insurers. Ellie has been recognised in Best Lawyers in Australia: Ones to Watch since 2023, as well as a finalist in Lawyers Weekly 30 Under 30 and Insurance Business Australia’s Young Gun list for insurance.

“Erica and Ellie’s appointments as special counsel are an important step towards consolidating our capacity nationally in their areas. We are confident that their expertise and dedication will greatly benefit our clients and contribute to our continued success”, shares Managing Principal, Richard Wood.

In addition to these senior appointments, Gilchrist Connell has welcomed four new senior associates: Ellen Duckworth (Recoveries, based in Adelaide), Rachel Patterson (Financial Lines, based in Melbourne), and Olivia Boyages and Katryn Strong (General Liability, both based in Sydney).

Richard Wood
Managing Principal

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