Samantha Hocking


Samantha has nearly 20 years litigation experience and specialises in construction, insurance and professional liability law.

She enjoys a wide ranging practice, in which she has extensive experience in advising, representing, and resolving disputes for construction and engineering professionals, and professional indemnity and liability insurers. Her practice encompasses both high stakes, large infrastructure claims in all Australian jurisdictions and local residential building disputes. The claims often entail complex issues including factual and legal causation, scope, and loss quantification.

Samantha also has a developing front-end construction practice providing advice on the drafting, analysis, and negotiation of construction contracts and consultancy agreements. She is familiar with the Australian Standard construction contracts, and through her vast experience in insurance law and litigation, is in an ideal position to advise on contractual implications for response of policies of insurance and contractual risk.

Samantha has a Master of Construction Law from the University of Melbourne, targeting topics relevant to contractual analysis, risk, dispute avoidance and management. She is very conscious of the potential for legal disputes to become protracted and costly and maintains a cost-effective approach while having regard to commerciality and claim merits.

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