Under Richard's stewardship as managing principal and in response to client demand, Gilchrist Connell has grown exponentially from two small offices in 2008 to five offices and around 250 staff. Richard is a highly effective defendant-side dispute resolution lawyer with three decades of experience in all aspects of insurance law from property damage and casualty to complex financial lines and D&O claims. His pragmatic approach enables clients to clearly assess their risks and options and to make fully informed decisions to bring their matters to either resolution or trial in the most direct and effective manner. Richard’s relationship with his longest standing clients goes back over decades and thousands of matters.
He is currently panel solicitor to:
- Professional indemnity insurers acting for accountants, psychologists, conveyancers, land agents, lawyers, architects, valuers, certifiers and engineers
- Property and casualty insurers acting in public liability, property damage, industrial accident, worker’s compensation recoveries and worker-to worker claims
- EPL and statutory liability insurers
His relationship with his main clients goes back 30 years.
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