Marini is an experienced litigator with almost 20 years of experience defending claims across multiple lines of insurance and advising on multiparty litigation and dispute resolution. Marini has a particular focus on professional indemnity disputes acting on behalf of lawyers, financial planners, accountants, taxation agents, owners corporations and owners corporation managers, architects, structural and geotechnical engineers, architects, insolvency practitioners and migration agents. Marini’s experience also extends to appearing in various disciplinary tribunals on behalf of her clients.
Marini has extensive experience in the defence of public liability matters involving sensitive claims and sexual abuse, psychiatric injuries, catastrophic injuries, education law claims and coronial inquests and investigations.
Marini provides indemnity advice on a range of issues, and has been involved in major claims involving fraud, non-disclosure, notification issues and subrogation. Marini has worked on several high profile and significant claims including high quantum litigation and complex interlocutory applications that have proceeded to judicial determination establishing legal precedent in Victoria. She is adept at managing sensitive issues in a claim to manage reputational risk or adverse media. Marini is pragmatic in her approach to claims and adopts an early litigation strategy to minimise liability exposure to her clients.
Armed with a Master of Laws from the University of Melbourne with a focus on advanced litigation and dispute resolution, Marini is adept at recognising the commerciality of a claim and concentrates her advice on the best dispute resolution strategy to resolve a claim.
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