Katherine has been advising Australian, US and London insurers and their insured clients for 20 years. She has particular expertise in policy drafting, interpretation and advising global insurers participating in multi-national insurance programs.
She acts as coverage counsel in cases involving financial collapses, infrastructure disputes and large commercial disputes in all the lines described below.
Katherine’s areas of expertise include:
• Defending directors and officers in civil proceedings and before inquiries and commissions
• Defending finance professionals: stockbrokers, accountants and financial planners
• Defending IT service providers (including web and cloud hosting service providers) and designers, manufacturers and suppliers of IT and telecommunications equipment in technology claims
• Defending construction professionals: D&C contractors, architects, builders, engineers, certifiers
• Advising insurers and defending claims in the BioMed and Life Sciences industries
• Acting in medical negligence cases and representing insureds before coronial inquests
• Advising insurers in a wide range of product liability cases
Katherine has worked in and for the London market her whole career. She is fully versed in the Lloyd’s Claims Scheme, including the relevant protocols and reporting requirements. She is aware of the triggers for Lloyd’s underwriters in managing claims on the subscription platform. She understands its objectives and motivators, which puts her in a unique position to be able to deal with and report to clients in an efficient and sophisticated manner.
Katherine has been recognised as a leading insurance lawyer by Doyles and Chambers & Partners and applauded by clients for her accurate and commercial advice, the relationships she builds with insureds and her early resolution of disputes.
Katherine Czoch’s insights and articles
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