Justine has leading expertise in financial lines insurance, having worked both in house and in private practice in Australia and London, acting as both defence and coverage counsel. She specialises in claims against professionals including accountants, solicitors, engineers, stockbrokers, financial planners, real estate agents, insurance brokers and valuers.
Justine also acts for clients in the areas of:
- directors’ and officers’/management liability, including defamation;
- institutional abuse;
- workplace health and safety including incident response, police and regulator investigation, prosecutions and subsequent appeals;
- statutory liability and investigations: including with respect to investigations by disciplinary and regulatory bodies;
- inquiries including Commissions of Inquiry and Royal Commissions;
- employment practices liability;
- general liability including personal injury, property damage and product liability; and
- risk management including advice on coverage, insurance and indemnity clauses and insurance risk management for events and day to day operations including for not for profit organisations.
Justine enjoys the challenging nature of insurance work and is adept at managing the sensitive issues at play where a professional or organisation has its reputation at risk.
Justine has been consistently named as a pre-eminent professional indemnity lawyer in Doyle’s Guide and has been named in Best Lawyers for insurance Law since 2019 and Professional Malpractice Litigation since 2020.
Justine has been on the committee of the Australian Insurance Law Association (WA Chapter) since 2013 and sat on the National Board until May 2019. Justine has held the office of President of the WA Chapter (2019-2021), Treasurer (WA Chapter), head of the national education portfolio and member of the national financial lines subcommittee.
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