Julian has particular experience in the area of building and construction risk.
Julian has acted on a range of complex construction and infrastructure disputes including road, rail and tunnelling projects, dams and commercial and residential building developments. He has advised and represented commercial clients, insurers as defence and coverage counsel and insureds from a broad variety of professions across the construction industry under ISR, third party liability, contract works and professional indemnity policies of insurance.
He is attune to the legal, commercial and insurance pressures facing his clients and is driven to achieve the best result for them.
Julian has also acted for a range of other professionals including accountants, brokers and financial advisors, and has experience with directors & officers liability, employment practices liability, reinsurance, trade credit, marine hull and cargo policies of insurance.
Julian started his career in the specialist areas of maritime and aviation law before moving into the areas insurance law and commercial litigation. He continues to provide advice and assistance in relation to a broad range of litigated, non-contentious, regulatory and commercial matters for a variety of clients in the transport and construction industries and beyond.
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