Jonathan has extensive experience litigating casualty and general liability claims. He acts for insurers, local government and self-insured entities in the defence of claims involving personal injury, public liability, product liability, occupier’s liability and common law torts. Jonathan also has significant experience defending engineers, architects and building surveyors in professional liability litigation, defending Water Act claims and also handling dust disease matters (specifically silicosis related).
He regularly advises insurers in relation to indemnity disputes and policy coverage, and defends claims arising from industrial workplace accidents and statutory recoveries (both Victorian WorkCover Authority (VWA) and Transport Accident Commission (TAC)). He also acts for municipal Councils in relation to claims made pursuant to the Road Management Act, and handles large property damage disputes and insurance recoveries, particularly claims against manufacturers and suppliers under the Australian Consumer Law and former Trade Practices Act.
Jonathan defends claims involving sporting accidents, catastrophic injuries, allegations of workplace bullying and assaults, and has defended WorkSafe prosecutions under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
His large scale litigation experience includes acting for a major Australian insurer in the recovery of their insurance payments in the Kilmore East and Murrindindi “Black Saturday” bushfire class actions.
In addition, he acts in commercial disputes and litigation.
Jonathan’s proactive and consistent focus on cost-effectively achieving the best possible outcome for his clients has seen him recognised in Doyle’s Guide as a leading public & product liability lawyer and in Best Lawyers in the fields of insurance law, personal injury litigation and product liability litigation.
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