Emily is a true insurance law specialist offering a unique all-rounded approach to her legal practice having experienced every angle of a case from previous roles behind the bench and behind both sides of the bar table.
Prior to joining Gilchrist Connell, Emily gained experience as an Associate to a Magistrate at the ACT Magistrates and Children’s Court, as a plaintiff lawyer and more recently as a defendant insurance lawyer.
Emily has advised on liability, indemnity and quantum and defended her private insurer clients in personal injury litigation, motor vehicle accidents, public liability, medical negligence and workers compensation specialising in statutory and common law claims particularly where jurisdictional, dual insurance and recoveries issue arise.
In addition to her private insurer work, Emily assisted the Department of Finance and Deregulation to resolve multiple ACT Supreme Court claims for damages for negligent misstatement in relation to eligibility to join the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme. This involved the defence of alternative allegations of negligence, breach of statutory duty, and breach of contract.
Emily’s all-round insurance expertise and understanding of her clients’ drivers and needs enables her to take a proactive and pragmatic approach to ensure most commercial outcome for her clients.
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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal Practitioners employed by and the directors of Gilchrist Connell Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.