David has over 25 years’ experience specializing in insurance law and has acted in a number of leading cases relating to coverage disputes and proportionate liability. He manages litigation for insurers in public, product and professional liability claims, marine claims, and recoveries. David has extensive experience in the construction industry, having defended liability claims of all types, particularly complex, multi-party claims. A number of these claims have involved fire safety issues which are a significant concern for construction clients at present. David also acts for multinational engineering companies defending professional indemnity claims.
He has considerable expertise in handling coverage disputes and policy drafting, particularly for the London market.
David quickly identifies key issues and delivers clear advice on litigation and dispute resolution strategies for that claim, protecting and defending his insurer-clients’ interests at all times. He is regularly instructed regularly to draft wordings for Australian insurers, Lloyds Managing Agents and brokers, which has afforded him a deep understanding of coverage issues.
David’s results-driven approach has seen him repeatedly recognised in Doyle’s Guide and he is regularly invited to present to industry groups on topics such as recent developments in liability claims; personal injury litigation in Queensland; apportionment of liability in labour hire claims; noting of interested parties and principals on insurance policies and how to manage dual insurance claims.
David Flint’s insights and articles
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