Dan is an insurance and commercial litigation specialist. He is regularly instructed by insurers and reinsurers to assist them in navigating and resolving complex coverage issues and disputes. He is also regularly appointed to defend and protect the interests of defendants in civil proceedings and the targets of regulatory investigations and inquiries.
Dan has over a decade of experience across commercial insurance lines, including directors’ and officers’ liability, management liability, financial institutions professional indemnity, professional indemnity, warranty and indemnity, and industrial special risk products. He has also acted for subscribers to multi-layered programmes, and for cedants and reinsurers under both facultative and treaty arrangements. His experience includes acting as coverage counsel in shareholder class actions, employment related class actions, Royal Commissions, regulatory inquiries and investigations, prosecutions by local regulators, large property and business interruption claims, and warranty and indemnity insurance disputes.
Dan regularly acts in defence of company directors and various professionals, including insurance brokers and real estate agents. Dan also assists shareholders resolve complex shareholder disputes.
Clients trust Dan to provide accurate, timely and commercial advice. Dan understands that commercial litigants ordinarily wish to understand as early as possible what the realistic exposure is in relation to a dispute and what the likely costs will be through to resolution, and to then set an optimal resolution strategy having regard to those matters.
Dan’s pragmatic approach has earned him national industry recognition and strong client support, within both the domestic and London markets. Dan has been recognised as a Legal 500 ‘Rising Star’ in insurance, has been listed in Best Lawyers in Australia for Insurance Law since April 2021, and is the New South Wales State President of the Australian Insurance Law Association.
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