Brett is an insurance lawyer specialising in financial and casualty lines. He has a particular focus on professional indemnity, D&O, public and products liability, involving both property damage and casualty.
Brett acts for insurers and their insureds in a range of industries including: financial services; construction; resources and energy; property; retail; manufacturing; medical; and leisure industries.
His clients include Australian and London-based insurers as well as major corporate self-insureds. Brett also acts for underwriters in primary and on excess layers, including advising on the interaction between insurance layers, and has acted in claims with uninsured components balancing the interests of insurer and insured.
Brett advises insurers on coverage issues including litigated defence of declinature decisions. He also assists insurers in adjusting claims involving business interruption where full loss may not be covered or there are components of loss which are uninsured.
Brett has acted in cross-jurisdictional claims and has appeared in matters before Australian courts in their trial and appeal divisions. He has acted in Commissions of Inquiry and in prosecutions under Work Health and Safety legislation.
Brett engages with clients to achieve early and commercial outcomes. He favours alternative dispute resolution wherever possible and has undertaken additional study to enable him to act as a mediator in commercial and insurance disputes.
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