Ashleigh is an insurance lawyer with a focused background in personal injury litigation, professional indemnity and state and commonwealth workers compensation.
She frequently appears and has instructed counsel in matters in the, Magistrates’ Court, District Court, Federal Court and the South Australian Employment Tribunal. Ashleigh also provides advice in relation to workers compensation claims and regularly attends conciliation conferences and other hearings in the South Australian Employment Tribunal.
Ashleigh has acted for self-insured employers and represented injured workers for a number of years. Having worked on both sides gives her a unique perspective which allows her to recommend and secure timely, sensible resolutions for her clients.
Being a ‘people person’ is one of her best strengths as well as getting to know the individuals in a matter, taking statements and building a relationship with the insured. Ashleigh has many repeat clients because they enjoy working with her and know she will deliver the best outcome for them and their insured.
Ashleigh is a client-focused lawyer, regularly advising employers, self-insured organisations, government and insurer clients. Ashleigh regularly appeared in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in the past and is a diligent, technical lawyer who can be relied upon to achieve the best outcomes for her clients.
Ashleigh has a comprehensive understanding of SA worker’s compensation legislation and has presented a number of seminars on important case law and legal developments.
Ashleigh Allen’s insights and articles
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